Cultures of_Hub

Design a flexible and adaptable ‘furnitecture’ piece that serves as a welcoming hub for community engagement by the Cultures of team. The Cultures of team at University of Huddersfield is program that encourages students to get involved in creative actives.

Model making

Using a laser cutter the create a physical model.

The physical model helped me understand the construction of the design.

Added people into the space to help understand its purpose and how the design can be used.

SketchUp was used for me to visualise the model before physically creating it. Experimenting with heights and composition of certain elements of the design.

Technical drawings

I used AutoCad for the technical drawings, making sure seating heights are correct and there is enough space for filtering through the space.


Project 3: A project using 3D modelling software to create a pop-up shop


Project 5: A project inspired by the culture behind Japanese tea rooms